Double Rhinos Cement


No.(E-1 to 10), 107th Street, Between 64th and 65th Street, ChanMyathazi Township, Mandalay.

Double Rhinos Cement

About Company

Arr Thit Man company limited has been established as a distribution company in Myanmar. Arr Thit Man company is distributed the construction materials to the market since 2015.

Founded in 2000

Double Rhinos Cement

Available Products

European Standard EN 197-1 : 20011

32.5 Strength Class

32.5 class cement is suitable for ordinary concrete works, i.e., general housing construction, concrete pavement, concrete tiles, drain pipes, water tanks, masonry and plastering works, etc.

European Standard EN 197-1 : 20011

42.5 Strength Class

42.5 class cement is suitable for high permeability and high temperature resistant engineering, highways roads, high-rise buildings, all kind of concrete piles and poles, it is also recommended for construction projects, general industrial and civil construction.

European Standard EN 197-1 : 20011

42.5 Strength Class

42.5 class cement is suitable for high permeability and high temperature resistant engineering, highways roads, high-rise buildings, all kind of concrete piles and poles, it is also recommended for construction projects, general industrial and civil construction.

European Standard EN 197-1 : 20011

52.5 Strength Class

52.5 class cement is suitable for construction of buildings and under water construction where high early strength concrete is required, i.e., bridges, reservoirs, culverts, piers, pre-stress piles, poles, beams etc.

Double Rhinos Cement

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